The Warcraft universe is inhabited by many races of sentient and sapient beings. These races speak many different languages, have different homelands and racial traits, and can pursue different classes.

Though most races are native to the world of Azeroth, some have arrived from other worlds, such asDraenor. The armies of the Burning Legion are culled from many worlds throughout the Twisting Nether.

Currently, there are two playable factions in World of Warcraft, the Alliance and the Horde, and each is comprised of six very different races who can play a variety of different classes.

In Warcraft lore, race often has the same definition as species. Occasionally, within a race/species are groups called subspecies/subraces.Note that use of race may not always denote seperate species however (and may refer to ethnicities/subraces/subspecies within species)

1. Alliance  AllianceCrest.jpg

The Alliance (aka Grand Alliance) is one of two major political factions of the mortal races inAzeroth, its counterpart being the Horde. The Alliance consists of powerful cultures and groups bound not by desperation or necessity, but by their deep commitments to abstract concepts like nobility and honor.The Alliance was once also known as the Alliance of Lordaeron when its leadership was centered in Lordaeron. However, the Alliance was forced to move the bulk of its forces to Kalimdor and to the southern Eastern Kingdoms continents of Khaz Modan and Azerothafter the plague of undeath ravaged the Kingdom of Lordaeron several years ago. Although the remaining living nations of Lordaeron are not as strong as they once were, they have pledged their loyalty to the Grand Alliance with the hopes of becoming strong once again. Over the course of the years new members and races have joined the Alliance furthering its united strength.



Main Leaders

*Varian Wrynn  Image of King Varian Wrynn

Varian Wrynn, also called Lo’Gosh the “Ghost Wolf”, is the son of the late King Llane Wrynn and the current King of Stormwind. Under his leadership, the humans of Stormwind lead the Alliance to victory against the Lich King in Northrend, and now seek to bolster their strategic holdings against their perennial enemy, the Horde.With the world plunged into chaos by the great Cataclysm, he has taken up military leadership of the Alliance, and vowed to forge a new destiny for Azeroth.




*Muradin Bronzebeard  Image of Muradin Bronzebeard

Muradin Bronzebeard is a hero of the Alliance, the younger brother of the dwarven King Magni Bronzebeard and the older brother of the renowned explorer Brann Bronzebeard. Muradin was believed to have perished in Northrend when the young prince Arthas Menethil claimed the runeblade Frostmourne. However, recent events have indicated Muradin survived this brush with death, and wandered the wastes of Northrend with no memory of the incident until a chance encounter several years later.




*Jaina Proudmoore  Image of Lady Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina Proudmoore is the founder and leader of Theramore Isle, the Alliance’s major port in southernKalimdor. She is the daughter of Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, sister of Tandred Proudmoore andDerek Proudmoore, and the alleged half-sister of Finnall Goldensword. She is also the most powerful human sorceress on Azeroth. Jaina was one of the most talented and trusted sorceresses of the Kirin Tor. She was dispatched byAntonidas to discover what was happening in the northlands of Lordaeron. She was escorted by her childhood friend and one-time romantic interest, Prince Arthas Menethil, to uncover if the plague had magical origins. Jaina saw the fall of Lordaeron firsthand and — guided by a mysterious prophet — rallied what survivors she could and fled across the sea to Kalimdor. Jaina swore to defeat the Burning Legion and its sinister agents any way she could. Joining forces with the night elves and even the orcish Horde, Jaina helped defeat the demon Archimonde and banish the Legion. She then gathered the human survivors in Kalimdor and founded the port city of Theramore. She rules here over the tattered remnants of the Alliance and hopes to reunite the distant human kingdoms once more.

*Genn Greymane  Image of King Genn Greymane

Lord Genn Greymane (sometimes spelled as “Graymane“) is the king of the nation andkingdom of Gilneas. He is a large bearish man, with thick features, and a heavy beard, and black and gray armor.He is a brawny warrior who must be in his seventies, and has ruled Gilneas for decades.Genn Greymane was one of the human leaders who met at the council to form the Alliance of Lordaeron. He was hesitant about joining, and was difficult about it, and less sincere when he agreed to it.However, he pulled Gilneas from the Alliance after the Second War. He was also deeply influenced by the House of Prestor, which was actually led (at the time) by Deathwing in human form. He is the new Imortal’s Game Master Pro, and his name is orange.

*Tyrande Whisperwind  Image of Tyrande Whisperwind

Tyrande Whisperwind (pronounced Ti-Ran-Da) is the chosen high priestess of the goddess Elune, the former general of the night elf sentinels and the current head of the Sisterhood of Elune. Together with her lifelong mate, the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, she has represented the highest leadership of the night elves since the fall of Queen Azshara and the Highborne caste ten thousand years ago. In World of Warcraft, she is found inside the Temple of the Moon within the Kaldorei’s capital city of Darnassus.Tyrande rides a mighty female frostsaber tiger named Ash’alah into battle. She prefers to fight in forests where she is most comfortable. She uses her speed and mobility to stay at range while peppering enemies with lethal bow shots. She uses her most powerful spells if severely outnumbered or the battle is going poorly.When confronted by enemies, she never hesitates to attack and prefers to not let any escape alive. Her duty to protect her people from danger is greater than her own personal moral code about fighting with honor. If an enemy turns to flee, she will gladly take the opportunity to put a cluster of arrows deep in his back.

*Malfurion Stormrage  Image of Malfurion Stormrage

Malfurion Stormrage was the first night elf druid, and initiated the mainstream use of druidism among thenight elven people ten millenia ago under tutelage of the demigod Cenarius. Through Malfurion’s guidance, the kaldorei managed to successfully halt the Burning Legion’s first invasion of Azeroth during the War of the Ancients. In its aftermath, he became the greatest of the world’s archdruids. Malfurion Stormrage is the twin brother of Illidan Stormrage, as well as the loving and beloved husband of the high priestess of Elune,Tyrande Whisperwind. Together, the two have represented the highest leadership of the night elves ever since the fall of Queen Azshara and her Highborne caste. Malfurion is often referred to as shan’do, which means “honored teacher” in Darnassian. Connected deeply to the ebb and flow of all life on Azeroth and bearing ten thousand years of responsibility and experience, he is one of the most powerful and venerated mortals of the Warcraft universe.

*Prophet Velen  Image of Prophet Velen

Velen has been the leader of the draenei people since their flight from Argus 25,000 years before the first orcish invasion of Azeroth. As his title entails, he has been granted the gift of prophecy, and — aided by the Light — has guided his people as they fled from, and later fought against, the Burning Legion who had ensnared their eredar brethren. He is first among the draenei and is the arch-nemesis (formerly best friend) of Kil’jaeden. During the event following Kil’jaeden’s defeat at the Sunwell, Velen calls Kil’jaeden his “brother”, they at least treated each other like brothers; “Kil’jaeden had loved Velen as a brother, closer than that, loved him almost as another aspect of himself”.

*High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque  Image of High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque

High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, King of Gnomes, is the current leader of the gnomish evacuees fromGnomeregan. The gnomes have not had a proper king or queen for over four hundred years. Instead, they prefer to elect their highest officials for set terms of service.The highest office in Gnomeregan, High Tinker, has been held by the crafty Gelbin Mekkatorque for the past seven to nine years. Gelbin is one of the most renowned inventors ever (his invention include the Mechanostrider mounts, the repair bot, and the[Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor]),and has been honored as a just and skillful leader. While in office, High Tinkers are allowed to hold grand titles but only hold their power for set terms of office, after which they return to the work force. Mekkatorque took on the title “King of the Gnomes”.The “king of the gnomes” is a bit less silly than the title sounds (but still pretty crazy).


*Humans  Human Crest.jpg

The humans of Stormwind are one of the playable Alliance races in World of Warcraft. They are a resilient breed, having survived an invasion by the savage orcs during the First War. During the Second War, the armies of Stormwind rallied with the Alliance of Lordaeron to reclaim their homeland of Azeroth. After the success of the Second War, Stormwind was rebuilt and human civilization began to flourish once again throughout the southlands. According to WoW Census, humans are currently the second most-played race in World of Warcraft.



*Dwarf  DwarfCrest.jpg

The dwarves of Ironforge are an ancient race of robust humanoids who live beneath the snow-capped mountains of Khaz Modan. The dwarves have always been fast allies to the humans and they revel in the prospects of battle and storytelling alike. They are currently the least played Alliance race according to the WoW Census of February 2010.





*Gnome  Gnome Crest.jpg

The gnomes of Gnomeregan (faction)is the faction of playable gnomes. They start in Gnomeregan, their home city located near Ironforge.The eccentric, often brilliant gnomes are held as one of the most peculiar races of the world. With their obsession for developing radical new technologies and constructing marvels of mind-bending engineering, it’s a wonder that any gnomes have survived to proliferate. Over the years, the gnomes have contributed ingenious weapons to aid the Grand Alliance in its fierce battles against the Horde.




*Night Elf  


The night elves of Darnassus are a faction of playable night elves in World of Warcraft. They start inShadowglen, an area located inside the great tree Teldrassil. For the Alliance, the druid class was exclusive to the night elves until the addition of the Worgen inWorld of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion.  According to the WoW Census the Night Elves are the second most played race in the Alliance, behind Humans.





*Draenei  Draenei Icon.png

The draenei of the Exodar start in Ammen Vale, situated on Azuremyst Isle, a landmass belonging to a cluster of islands called the Azuremyst Isles located off the northwestern coast of Kalimdor. The main base with civilization in Ammen Vale is called Azure Watch. Bloodmyst Isle can be found as the adjacent zone, a level 10-20 area. Velen and the remaining draenei survivors gained control of one of Tempest Keep’s satellite structures and used it to escape to Azeroth. They searched for allies in their never-ending battle against the Burning Crusade, and finding such allies within the Alliance.They have no capital city, instead they make their main dwelling on a crashed dimensional ship, the Exodar, which is overseen by their leader, Velen. The draenei’s choice of mount is the elekk, a creature similar in appearance to a war elephant. Their chosen language is Draenei, while they are also able to speak Common.

*Worgen Worgen crest.jpg

The worgen are a race of feral wolf-beasts whose very name inspires fear to the hearts and minds of the Horde.Records indicate that the worgen existed for a time in Kalimdor. In fact, more recent evidence suggested that their true origin might have a connection to the night elves and a secretive druidic order from Kalimdor’s distant past. This proved to be correct as the curse originated from a druidic sect who followed Goldrinn, known as Druids of the Pack. They shapeshifted into the feral worgen and eventually lost their minds to its violent nature. The other Druids agreed that they must be locked away, and thus put them into eternal slumber deep beneath a tree… until the day Arugal andVelinde Starsong tampered with the Scythe of Elune. It was the night elves, after all, who created the curse in the first place. Obliged to help their newfound allies, they re-introduce them to the Alliance.The worgen’s first verified appearance in the Eastern Kingdoms has been traced back to the Third War, when the archmage Arugal utilized the wolf-beasts as a weapon against the Scourge. Arugal’s weapons soon turned against him, however, as the curse of the worgen rapidly spread among thehuman population, transforming ordinary men and women into ravenous, feral creatures.

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CHRISTIAN= For CHRIST IAm Nothing :],moody ako well ganun tlga ako wla na kayo mgagawa..cute daw mabait daw relihiyoso daw hehe msayahin,makulit,grand chase player..ajujuju Grand Chase Account : Elesis[SAVIOR NA]= 70 Lire[Nova]= 55 Arme[Warlock]=40 Ronan[ABYSS KNIGHT]=67 Lass[Slasher]= Jin[Fighter]=5 Seighart[Prime Knight]=66 Amy[Dancer]=3

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